Apr 21, 2010

Good-bye People

I have been all over the map- semesters in Oxford, three summers in Paris, 5 days in Austria…….two weeks in Salt Lake, I got use to saying goodbye just as quickly as saying hello. I am use to moving; I like the idea of my scenery constantly changing but in the foreseeable future I am staying in Austin and not moving (omgfo). I am still in the process of ‘making friends’ but I have noticed that I have said goodbye to just as many people in Austin as anywhere else I have been. I expected the opposite- meeting people and being friends forever and ever but instead I have said goodbye to at least 15 people in 3 months, all memorable in some way. I understand now that I attract/ am attracted to those who move and slightly intimidated by those who stay.
While saying goodbye is always sad I wouldn’t change it for the entire world. I know that I am drawn to those who feel the same way because while they are life-experienced in different ways, we are connected in our love to simply follow our need to move even if I technically can't at the moment. These people are like me. What I love most about those moments with these people is that there isn’t anything outside of it to judge- zero pressure, just friends for the brief portion of time. After goodbyes or those goodbye-less times when they walk away forever I always feel a little sadness but that sadness always graciously flows into a powerful smile because I know a tree that grows money doesn’t come close to the worth of the people I meet and the moments created in the mean time.

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